Manufacturer: Warmbier

Safety Pips - Continuous wrist strap monitor

Product.Nr.: 13S-7100.181_

Manufacturer: Warmbier

CHF 21.65 - CHF 258.00
add. 8.1 % TAX

  • excl. shipping costs
  • 1 Stk / CHF 258.00 pro Stk
  • Sofort versandfähig, ausreichende Stückzahl Sofort versandfähig, ausreichende Stückzahl
  • delivery time 3-4 Wochen
  • Model:

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product description

Convenient test device for permanent monitoring of wristband earthing.

  • Measurement: Capacitive measurement of impedance
  • Connection: 10mm push-button
  • Indication: Visual and acoustic warning signal